The College Library presently has about 3620 Books, 4 national journals and 35 international journals, 223 book banks. Newspapers and Journals are subscribed for the benefit of students and teachers. It had online subscription of journals through DELNET. The library is fully automated with Narayana Library Information System software. The Library has a separate collection of general reference, fictions, Portfolios, newsletters, Journal reference, e-library facilities etc
Monday to Saturday: 8.00 am to 10.00pm Libraries remain opened on Sunday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
There is a separate E-Library section for e-recourses and subscribed to DELNET with OPAC, YSRMEDNET (My Loft) e-shodhsindhu and Swayam.
B.Com (Computers),Sree Narayana Nursing College
MCA, Sree Narayana Nursing College
Library is automated
Wi-fi router
Photocopying facility is available on the library.
University question bank
The digital library has more than 5 computers
The library is kept open from 7.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. on all working days.
E- Library (YSRMEDNET) to access thousands of journals and reference from the various sources.